Thursday, June 19, 2008

You don't have to fear Angioplasty or Bypass Surgery.

Posted by healthnwealth at 3:49 AM
Have you been diagnosed with Heart or Artery Disease? Are you aware of the seriousness of your situation? You may already have been told by your Doctor you need angioplasty, bypass surgery or face the prospect of dying prematurely. Many customers using Angioprim find that within the first weeks, symptoms begin to subside and the critical need for surgery diminishes.

If everyone used Angioprim, Heart disease would be a thing of the past!

The Symptoms of Heart Disease are:

Poor Sleeping, low energy, fatigue with exertion, shortness of breath, tightness of the chest, pain in the arms or legs, the need for an afternoon nap. Any or all of the above.

A Heart attack means a portion of your Heart Muscle has died from oxygen starvation and will not come back to life. Poor blood flow is the problem. When a large enough portion of heart muscle dies, so do you.



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