Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dark Circles Under Eyes

Posted by healthnwealth at 8:10 PM

It seems the causes of dark circles compound as we get older. Many causes stem from our behavior instead of an illness or an external factor beyond our control. The scientific definition of dark circles is the thinning of the infraorbital fat pad (the fatty layer above the check bone and below the eyes). Because of this thinning of the skin, either light reflects off from this area or the veins under the eyes are showing through the skin. In both instances the appearance of shadowing or dark circles are seen.

The most common causes of dark circles are in my opinion behavioral. This means we could have prevented or we did something that caused the dark circles. Sometimes by changing our behavior we can reduce the appearance of dark circles, but in other cases we may need to take more drastic steps. First let's discover what we can do to reduce the dark circles under our eyes.

Things to reduce dark circles under your eyes:
  • Get plenty of sleep - maintain a regular sleep schedule
  • Sleep with your head slightly elevated
  • Maintain a balanced diet - plenty of fruits and vegetables
  • Stay hydrated - drink eight glasses of water per day
  • Reduce the stress in your life - at work and at home
  • Avoid overexposure to the sun
  • Reduce or avoid caffeine
  • Reduce or avoid sodium
Quick temporary fixes for dark circles:
  • Apply cool compresses - caffeinated tea bags, cucumbers, potatoes
  • Apply refrigerated gel mask
  • Apply 2 refrigerated spoons
  • Apply an under-eye concealer
If you have tried the home remedies above with no success, then I would recommend getting one of each of the products below. Each product performs a specific function in removing dark circles.
  • Nourishing Eye Pads - MoreInfo
    Helps reduce puffiness and minimize dark circles.

  • Eye-X-Cel - MoreInfo
    Helps reduce dark circles, puffiness and fine lines.

  • Regeneration Gold Eye Repair - MoreInfo
    Improve the appearance of sagging skin around your eyes.


Anonymous said...

The caffiene in tea bags acts as a remedy for dark circles by diminishing puffiness. Caffiene in tea helps to diminish water in the tissues around the eyes.

And also have a look at Constipation Cure


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