You can take good care of yourself and your diabetes by learning
- what to eat
- how much to eat
- when to eat
Making wise food choices can help you
- feel good every day
- lose weight if you need to
- lower your risk for heart disease, stroke, and other problems caused by diabetes
Healthful eating helps keep your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, in your target range. Physical activity and, if needed, diabetes medicines also help. The diabetes target range is the blood glucose level suggested by diabetes experts for good health. You can help prevent health problems by keeping your blood glucose levels on target.
Blood Glucose Levels
What should my blood glucose levels be?
Before meals | 70 to 130 |
1 to 2 hours after the start of a meal | less than 180 |
Talk with your health care provider about your blood glucose target levels and write them here:
Before meals | ______ to ______ |
1 to 2 hours after the start of a meal | less than ______ |
Ask your doctor how often you should check your blood glucose on your own. Also ask your doctor for an A1C test at least twice a year. Your A1C number gives your average blood glucose for the past 3 months. The results from your blood glucose checks and your A1C test will tell you whether your diabetes care plan is working.
How can I keep my blood glucose levels on target?
You can keep your blood glucose levels on target by
- making wise food choices
- being physically active
- taking medicines if needed
For people taking certain diabetes medicines, following a schedule for meals, snacks, and physical activity is best. However, some diabetes medicines allow for more flexibility. You’ll work with your health care team to create a diabetes plan that’s best for you.
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