Saturday, July 12, 2008

Looking Good – a womens bastion no more!

Posted by healthnwealth at 7:37 AM
One of the preserves of women, plastic surgery, has now fallen. Men are increasingly flocking to cosmetic surgeons to get plastic surgery options done on them. In spite of their squeamish nature when it comes to visiting doctors, and their bravado about beauty being skin deep, and increasing number of men now actually find plastic surgery viable!

According to Beverly Hills plastic surgery experts, enhancements like botox or a more involved procedure like a slimmer waistline are in demand. If Steve Carell can get an extreme makeover in Get Smart, so can the average Michael.

I think, though, body contouring has not as yet picked up significantly among men. It is the initial start, mentions one prominent Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon – prominent jaws, a sharp nose, nothing dramatic.. He has reported increase among Beverly Hills Face Lift patients, in Eyelid Surgery and of course in Rhinoplasty.

In fact, in Beverly Hills Rhinoplasty (or Nose Jobs, as it is more colloquially called) are the rage. Experts rave about Matt Dillon and his rumored nose job, but in reality, it is the enhanced information availability that has made the procedure so popular.

Oh and by the way, the other important reason for the sharp spurt in male plastic surgery is an increased decision making ability of men when it comes to their looks.

How things have changed! Welcome to the era of male empower rment. Never mind the fact that it was actually Anne Hathaway who had the cosmetic procedure done in Get Smart, but that is another story! Male Brain Surgery – its coming!



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